Stephen K. Bannon and I have had a whirlwind week, with the premieres of two of our latest films. On Tuesday night, The Hope and The Change made its television debut on HDNet Movies channel. The Hope and The Change will be on six cable and six broadcast networks, airing dozens of times and reaching over 130 million cumulative households through the Fall (check our listings to find your local channels and times).

This is an incredible opportunity to put our message about the realities of the “hope” and the “change” promised by Barack Obama into the living rooms of millions of American families. As Sean Hannity said about our documentary, “If everyone in America saw it, Barack Obama wouldn’t get 15 percent of the vote.”  The powerful stories of 40 Democrat and independent voters from 7 swing states who have lost their faith in President Obama are sure to have an impact this fall, and soon television ads will go up to promote this game changing film.

Friday saw the theatrical premiere of Andrew Breitbart’s epic Occupy Unmasked. The film is set to run through September 27th in Dallas, Denver, Orange County, and Phoenix. This is a special one week run and it is very important that we get people to the theaters – especially this weekend.  It is important that we send a message to liberal Hollywood that there is a demand for quality conservative films, so please spread the word to all your contacts in these theater areas (information and ticket purchases can be found here).

With The Hope and The Change on television and Occupy Unmasked on the big screen, I can’t help but feel that we are fulfilling Andrew Breitbart’s mission of penetrating and changing the mainstream media and culture. I am most happy about what Occupy Unmasked will do for Andrew Breitbart’s storied legacy. Through our promotions and successes, we honor him.
