Celebrities are taking President Barack Obama’s dismal debate performance earlier this week pretty hard.

Some, like Jon Stewart, are actually questioning if Obama is truly the super-duper smartest president ever. Others are attacking GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney via their Twitter accounts.

No guts, no glory!

Singer Ryan Adams managed to offend both Christians and Romney supporters with a recent Tweet:

Our guy @BarackObama leading in the polls. Even the jesusy people who support @MittRomney can fact-check. NOW they know he is a liar.

Cher, whose career has morphed from singer/actress to full-time Romney hater, fired off this incoherent blast:

@parka111We all know he makes Joseph McCarthy seem like an American Hero,Cheney Not inhumane a ,Rove not Son of Machiavelli ! Blk Plague fun

Levar Burton, best known for his roles in the miniseries “Roots” and “Star Trek: The Next Generation,” called Romney’s vow to cut federal funding to PBS being “mean to children” and a slam against “America’s Classroom.”