Will Smith was arguably the most popular movie star in the world until the 2008 movie “Seven Pounds” underwhelmed at the box office.

He licked his wounds, took several years off, and returned to theaters a few months back with the third installment of the “Men in Black” series.

Now, Smith is making a move that could change the way people think of the affable star.

First lady Michelle Obama is set to return to Los Angeles for yet another star-studded fundraiser — this one hosted on Oct. 25 by Will Smith and wife Jada Pinkett Smith at their home in Calabasas.

Other co-hosts include Salma Hayek, Jay and Kawanna Brown, Troy andRebecca Carter, and James and Mai Lassiter. Tickets packets range from $2,500 to $40,000. 

Smith isn’t alone in choosing sides in the modern political debate. Hosting a fundraiser for a candidate, particularly one as divisive as Obama, could stick with movie fans who have an increasing number of places to spend their entertainment dollars.