Talk show queen Ellen DeGeneres isn’t as politically outspoken as some of her peers.

The newly minted Mark Twain Prize honoree must have been poll watching over the weekend, for she told the press she finds Mitt Romney scary and fears his impact on women’s rights

“If you’re a woman, you should be very, very scared of that, for many reasons,” she said. “And obviously as a gay person he doesn’t believe in me having the same rights, so of course I’m not happy about that.”

DeGeneres added that “as a woman who wants to have the choice to do what she wants to do with her own body,” she’s especially concerned about Obama losing. 

Someone’s been reading her binder on false Democratic talking points …  

Where was DeGeneres before President Barack Obama “evolved” on gay marriage? Was Obama scary then, too? And doesn’t she realize Obama has no plan to implement gay marriage nationwide. He says he prefers the matter be left up to the states, meaning he won’t be leading the charge for gay marriage if reelected.