Last evening, Bette Midler braved the elements and the boundaries of good taste to hold her annual Hulaween party.

The usual A-list celebrities were there – Debra Messing, dressed as Marie Antoinette, stole the spotlight – and $1.8 million was raised for charity.

Midler did complain that the event was “unbelievably stressful.” Good thing the millions of those out of power in NY and NJ, the thousands who had home damage, and the dozens who died didn’t have to plan a soiree for Halloween. That might have been stressful.

But the highlight of the evening was Midler apparently hobnobbing with a man in blackface (and horns). This moment was so delightful that Midler chose to feature a picture of it on her Facebook page and on her Twitter page. She has not answered inquiries as to the man’s identity.