Hope I can get this email through…still no power and can only get cell svc a few mins at a time every few hours…

There’s a big benefit concert for Sandy victims including a lot of NJ stars–Bruce, Bon Jovi, Billy Joel, Sting, etc. NBC and tv networks are touting it, commercials are saying it’s to raise money and cheer up folks in NJ.


NJ 101.5, our local FM talk radio station – which is the only link to life we all have right now – has been saying for days that they’re trying to get NBC to let them broadcast it on the radio for us. No idea where those talks are, you’d have to check, but it will be shameful if that doesn’t happen.

Typical celebrity lib and lamestream media BS. Act like you’re doing a noble thing, meanwhile the people you claim to be “cheering up” can’t even partake. Rubbing salt in the wound.


NBC has announced that it will be televising tonight’s benefit concert for victims of hurricane Sandy. Tonight’s lineup will include superstar artists, including natives of our own NJ, like Bruce Springsteen and Bon Jovi.

Here in NJ, there is but one major radio station dedicated exclusively to NJ. NJ 101.5 has been THE lifeline to those of us in the state who have been without power – some without homes – since Sandy struck. The radio station has abandoned its regular programming and has done nothing but accept calls from local residents calling in to tell their stories, and to offer tips, free services, shelter listings, open gas stations and reports on power restoration updates. They are the only station that remains exclusively focused on the victims in NJ.

Earlier this morning I reported (ok, maybe ranted…I apologize) that NJ 101.5 has been desperately trying to get NBC to allow the radio station to broadcast the concert on its station.They have no vested financial interest in this, they simply want to keep some spirits up here in NJ.

I’m in NJ; I’m writing this (via email) with my cell phone. And even that service is very limited. I have been without power since early Monday and it’s not expected to come back anytime soon. Most of the state is still without power. We don’t have television, much less, access to NBC to see the concert. 

People are running out of essentials – food, firewood (if you’re lucky enough to have a fireplace), gas and now water.  Spirits are down, even though New Jerseyans are a resilient bunch. NJ 101.5 has been MY lifeline too. I’ve had a battery operated radio playing the station since Monday, including all throughout the night. It’s the only way I know what’s going out there in the aftermath of the storm.  The station has been a godsend.

People in NJ are devastated. Most won’t complain about our situation because so many have lost everything. But folks here do need some cheering up.

Earlier this afternoon, I heard the radio hosts reporting again about their attempts to get NBC to allow the station to broadcast the concert. Callers started calling and emailing the radio station, pleading for NBC to allow it.  Just this hour, NJ 101.5 reported that they received word from NBC and that the two stations are “signing licensing agreements now.” That sounds promising.

Are there more important things to think about right now in NJ? Sure.  But if you listen to all the callers into this radio station, as I’ve been doing for days, you know that hearing Bruce and Bon Jovi is just a little thing that could do a lot for many folks who’ve been through the ringer this week. They are asking for this broadcast.

Time is running out, NBC.  Whatever it takes, I hope this concert broadcast on NJ 101.5 does get pulled off somehow.  Personally, I don’t care so much, but I’ve heard an awful lot of folks who’d really love to hear it happen.