Far-left filmmaker Michael Moore is on board with President Barack Obama’s class warfare rhetoric. The documentarian only wishes the president would back it up with extreme policy positions.

Moore took to The Huffington Post today to share an open letter to President Obama. It’s full of fiscally ludicrous suggestions as well as the kind of rich-bashing that’s part and parcel of Moore’s faux Everyman shtick.

Yes, the Oscar winner is wealthier than most of the people who see his films (and has the fancy homes to prove it), but he prefers not to focus on that inconvenient fact. He’s also keen on using ALL CAPS, hardly a comforting tactic for anyone who knows a thing or two about blog comments.

Among the pearls of wisdom served up by the man who bows at the altar of the Cuban health care system:

DRIVE THE RICH RIGHT OFF THEIR FISCAL CLIFF. The “fiscal cliff” is a ruse, an invention by the right and the rich, to try and keep their huge tax breaks….

END ALL THE WARS NOW. Do not continue the war in Afghanistan (a thoroughly losing proposition if ever there was one) for two full more years! Why should one single more person have to die FOR NO REASON? Stop it. You know it’s wrong. Bin Laden’s dead, al Qaeda is decimated and the Afghans have to work out their own problems….

I’m sure you will want to be judged on how you stood up for us, restored the middle class, ended the s***ting on the poor and made us a friend to the rest of the world instead of a threat.