That’s a pretty cool superhero franchise starter you got there, Mr. Gunn. Would be a shame if you had to give it up.

Director James Gunn, best known for geek-friendly fare like “Super” and “Slither,” has been handed the film adaptation of the Marvel Comics series “Guardians of the Galaxy.”

Gunn’s recent blog posts featuring sexually charged ruminations on superheroes might get the project ripped out from under him. Two posts by Gunn in which he shared his views on the sexual proclivities of various superheros – and how he’d like to commingle with them – are generating plenty of fallout.

Here’s a sample of Gunn’s posts:

Gunn targets several of the male superheroes on the list with homophobic language and slurs, calling No. 5, X-Men‘s Gambit, a “Cajun fruit,” before graphically describing a sex act he would perform on the character to satisfy a girlfriend’s fantasy — but the thought “makes me sick to my stomach.”

Now, the country’s largest largest LGBT rights advocacy group is weighing in on the matter.

“James Gunn‘s blog post is offensive not just to LGBT people and women but rather to anyone with even the slightest sense of decency,” Fred Sainz, HRC’s vp communications and marketing, tells The Hollywood Reporter.

It’s only a matter of time before GLAAD fires up its own press release on the matter.

Gunn swiftly took down the posts in question, but that won’t appease the aforementioned groups. Should more special interest organizations join the fray, it’s only a matter of time before a scalp will be demanded. And that could mean Gunn loses the biggest gig of his career.