Michael Moore only hearts democracy when it adheres to his strict, far-left worldview.

Moore lost his cool anew over Michigan GOP members passing “right-to-work” legislation in his home state, sending union backers into a frenzy. Now, he’s letting loose on Twitter, spewing the expected bile regarding those who share a different political world view.

First, he called for a revolt against the system:

Still enraged by actions of Republican shock troops in the lame duck MI legislature yesterday. Revolt, anyone? shar.es/6EXO8

Then, Moore resorted to ugly name calling:

Repubs gerrymandered our state like political serial killers. Their goal was 2 snuff out the will of the people. Did the Dems sue 2 stop it?

Moore was just warming up, though. Now, he’s promising not to obey the law.

My production co is repped by 4 unions. I don’t give a damn what illegal shit the Repubs do in Lansing – I will not obey this law.