Hollywood actors spurred on by massive federal debt, the Occupy Wall Street movement and a president partial to redistribution rhetoric, have gone on record pleading to pay higher taxes.

The affluent group, including Chris Rock, Ben Affleck, Will Smith, Matt Damon, Ethan Hawke and Analeigh Tipton (“Crazy, Stupid, Love.”), all wish the government would take more of their sizable paychecks.

“I don’t spend so much that I can’t afford to pay a little bit more in taxes.” – Ben Affleck

“America has been fantastic to me. I have no problem paying whatever I need to pay to keep my country going.” – Will Smith

“Paying taxes is the greatest luxury in my life,” he said. “I find it revolting that people would make $100 million and that they should pay the same amount of taxes.” – Ethan Hawke

Will these same celebrities squawk at the fiscal cliff agreement which includes a sweet deal for their bosses? The potential new legislation extends existing tax breaks to both film and TV productions. It’s a question very few, if any, entertainment journalists will ask the stars themselves in 2013.