Oliver Stone, whose fury at America and desire to tear down American institutions has been on display for decades, has teamed with historian Peter Kuznick for the book and now Showtime series “Oliver Stone’s Untold History of the United States.”

The polemic, which airs its final installment at 8 p.m. EST tomorrow night, intentionally distorts history in order to paint the United States as a terrible country that oppressed its people and hid the seamy side of its past.

Ronald Radosh, in a brilliant attack on Stone and Kuznick in the Wall Street Journal, explains how they twist the truth in order to promulgate their attack on the noblest of nations. He begins by noting that Kuznick wrote in a book of essays that his role entails “creating a bridge between leftist and more moderate students … try to radicalize some of the more moderate and liberal students.” Kuznick said of the Vietnam War that America had gone so far “to the dark side” that “we were the wrong side.”

The authors deny that the Cold War was necessary, arguing that it only transpired because President Franklin D. Roosevelt dumped his socialist vice-president Henry A. Wallace (their hero) for Harry Truman in 1944. They assert that if Wallace had succeeded Roosevelt instead of Truman, everything would have been hunky dory with the Soviets.

Sure. Although Stone and Kuznick quote Wallace saying, “fascist interests motivated largely by anti-Russian bias” were trying to “get control of our government,” the Venona coded intercepts and the KGB archive papers that former KGB official Alexander Vassiliev gave to the United States decades later revealed that Wallace was planning to give cabinet positions and highly placed openings to Soviet agents and spies.

After Truman fired Wallace in 1946, Wallace opposed Truman in every way as Truman tried to stop Stalin from extending the iron Curtain. Wallace fought the creation of NATO, ridiculed the Marshall Plan, thought Berlin should be left to the Soviets when the Russians blockaded it in 1948 and championed the Communist coup in Czechoslovakia in 1948.

Even worse, in 1945 Wallace secretly met with Anatoly Gorsky, the station chief of the NKGB (a forerunner of the KGB), while Wallace was still in Truman’s cabinet. Wallace wanted to share the atomic bomb with the Soviets.

Interestingly enough, by 1952 even Wallace finally admitted he was wrong and had been taken for a ride:

Before 1949 I thought Russia really wanted and needed peace. After 1949 I became more and more disgusted with the Soviet methods and finally became convinced that the Politburo wanted the Cold War continued even at the peril of accidentally provoking a hot war … As I look back over the past 10 years I now feel that my greatest mistake was in not denouncing the Communist takeover of Czechoslovakia in February of 1948 … (I) failed to take into account the ruthless nature of Russian-trained Communists whose sole objective was to make Czechoslovakia subservient to Moscow.

Wallace knew he had been terribly mistaken more than 60 years ago. But Stone and Kuznick, in their nefarious attempt to vilify the noblest and greatest country ever constituted, aren’t concerned with the truth. They have an agenda to carry out.