Remember those two tall buildings that dominated the skyline of New York City before 9/11?

Some wanted to build a memorial on the site of the former World Trade Center after that horrifying day. Others wanted to leave the area as it was after the Twin Towers were demolished as a permanent reminder.

A third way has now emerged: erase the Towers from ever existing. In the new CW drama The Carrie Diaries, which takes place in the 1980s, in the skyline shots of the city the Twin Towers are nowhere to be seen. What makes this more interesting is the emphasis in the series on verisimilitude; subways have graffiti and Checker cabs look right for the period.

It might simply be an oversight. But surely showing the Towers at least once would be a moving reminder of what was lost.

Update: The show’s executive producer weighs in on the matter, saying the omission was intentional.

“If we caused one 16-year-old who lost a parent in September 11 any pain … it would have made me feel terrible.”