The media furor over news that Korean rapper PSY once belted out an aggressively anti-American song has mostly died down.

The rapper apologized, President Barack Obama welcomed him to a Christmas gathering without incident, and the news cycle has since moved on to other pop culture nuggets.

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Turns out the song in question wasn’t just alarmingly anti-American but racist as well.

In reality, the rap in some ways was more racist than ideological. It referred to “long-nosed” foreigners and something like “white bitches and bastards,” or “white lowlife,” according to three reviewers fluent in both Korean and English, including a Ph.D. expert on Korea.

The reliable P.C. police didn’t charge in with rhetorical guns a-blazing when PSY’s past hatred for the U.S. leaked out. We’ll have to see if the singer’s racially-charged lyrics will stir them from their slumber on the matter.