Most comedians would kill to create a character which impacted not just his or her own career but the national conversation.

Others, like Tina Fey, would rather not be reminded of their creation – assuming said creation is former Gov. Sarah Palin.

Rolling Stone notes how Fey responds to a fan who brings up Fey’s dead-on Palin impersonation in its interview with the star of the low-rated NBC sitcom “30 Rock.”

“Excuse me, aren’t you Governor Sarah Palin?” It’s so lame that Fey can barely manage a quarter of a fake smile. “Not for, like, three years now,” she says, looking as if she’d like to dive under the table.

The guy has his gag, though, and he’s going to run with it. “I so enjoy watching you on Fox,” he says.

“Thank you, have a nice day,” she replies. As he walks away, she murmurs, “Until the day I die. Until the day I die.”