The media desperately wants to use Ted Nugent’s appearance at tonight’s State of the Union event to tar the GOP.

Meanwhile, fellow singer Tony Bennett’s recent anti-American comments get a pass from the press, even though the crooner is the guest of former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Nugent’s invite came courtesy of Representative Steve Stockman, a Texas Republican. The Cat Scratch Fever singer is an unabashed defender of the Second Amendment, and his past statements on the subject as well as his views on President Obama certainly raised eyebrows.

That’s more than enough reason for Team CNN to go into battle mode against not just Nugent but the Republican Party as a whole.

The New York Times also rushed in to make the connection, dredging up Nugent’s most inflammatory comments while reminding readers the singer is a “hero” in some conservative circles.

That media standard isn’t being applied to Bennett, the torch singer who has taken a sharp turn left in recent years. The crooner said the U.S. was to blame for 9/11 (he later apologized for the comment) and, more recently, compared the U.S. to Nazi Germany and worried other nations would some day invade us due to our violent gun culture.

Should Pelosi invite Bennett to the important speech given those views? It’s a question news outlets won’t bother asking. They’re too busy using Nugent as a cudgel against the Right.