School-based paranoia over gun violence, while understandable given the late 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, is turning sensible precautions on their ear.

Conservative actor Joseph C. Phillips, best known for his work on The Cosby Show, told radio talker Tony Katz how his teenage son was harassed in school for simply having a picture of himself holding a BB gun on his digital camera.

The actor’s son, 15, was showing friends the photograph when his social studies teacher, James DeLarme, “snatched” the camera away. The teacher told the young man the authorities would be contacted regarding the photo.

Then, in front of all the students, DeLarme asked him, “Do you have any animosity towards your classmates?” and “Are you angry at anyone at school?”

The school didn’t alert Phillips to the situation. He heard about the imbroglio from his son several days later. When the actor contacted school officials for comment, the vice principal responded by defending the teacher’s actions, according to Phillips.