Rush Limbaugh dared to weigh in on the meaning behind Beyonce’s latest tune, and it’s only a matter of time before the race card hits the table.

Cue the left’s War on Women outrage meter, too.

For now, press outlets are describing Limbaugh’s interpretation as just plain wrong, even though R&B singer Keyshia Cole also critiqued Beyonce’s new song.

The track in question, Bow Down, could be interpreted as the singer bowing down to her husband, rap star Jay-Z, Limbaugh said.

“She’s got a new song, ‘Bow down, bitches,’ a total 180,” Limbaugh alleged. “Beyoncé’s now saying, ‘go ahead and put up with it.’ And you know why? I’ll tell you why. She married the rich guy. She’s even calling herself Mrs. Carter on the tour. She has shelved Beyoncé.”

Limbaugh picked up the story from a UK columnist who questioned why Beyonce’s music had taken such an aggressive turn.

The radio host’s deft analysis of the media and politics isn’t always reflected in how he assesses pop culture, and if his interpretation here is wrong regarding Bow Down that’s certainly grist for news media outlets. What will likely follow, though, is a parade of previous Limbaugh statements gussied up to paint him in the worst possible way when his only sin here may be misinterpreting a pop song.