The upcoming White House Correspondents Dinner won’t have the same star power as previous years despite President Barack Obama’s presence at the head table.

Sure, a healthy lineup of Hollywood celebrities is planning to attend, including George Lucas, Kevin Spacey and Nicole Kidman. But Obama booster George Clooney won’t be on hand, and The Hill reports a decided drawing down of hoopla from previous dinners.

Between the guest list absences of some of Hollywood’s brightest stars and a more subdued party scene, many folks working behind the scenes agree this year’s dinner will be decidedly more subdued.

The publication offers an array of possible excuses, but one glaring culprit is scrupulously avoided. Could it be that Hollywood is suffering from Obama fatigue, the gnawing reality that the cult of personality well is drying up?

Press outlets continue to downplay the sorry state of the economy, high gas prices and near-constant war rumblings out of North Korea. Even Obama acolytes can see that his gun control push was doomed to fail, his constant exploitation of grieving families is getting shopworn and his army of straw men fall down far too easily.

Heck, the president isn’t even the basketball legend we were led to believe.

The fatigue factor is one angle most media outlets are loathe to so much as consider.