Wade Robson, who once took the stand to defend Michael Jackson against sexual molestation charges, now says the pop star sexually abused him for seven years.

He claimed from the age of seven to around 14 Jackson ‘performed sexual acts on me and forced me to perform sexual acts on him’ and said during the first criminal investigation into the star in 1993, he would get daily calls to ‘roleplay’ about what he told the then-11-year-old was ‘an expression of love….’

Robson was a key witness in the 2005 trial in which the singer was accused of sexually molesting a 13-year-old cancer survivor. He claims it took time for him to “come to terms” with his past.

‘I said what I understood and I said what I was able to say,’ he explained. ‘From seven years old, from day one of the abuse, Michael told me that we loved each other and this was love, this was an expression of our love. And then he would follow it up with “but if you ever tell anyone what we are doing both of our lives and careers would be over….”

‘He is now fighting for money from the Jackson’s estate and asking a probate court to allow him to file a late creditor’s claim against the estate, even though the deadline has passed for creditors to file such claims. The estate’s lawyer, Howard Weitzman, has dismissed Robson’s claims.