President Barack Obama’s name isn’t mentioned once during The Internship, a new comedy re-teaming Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn of Wedding Crashers fame.

The message regarding the Obama economy, however, comes through loud and clear. It isn’t pretty.

The film casts the duo as unemployed salesmen who desperately try to win a gig at Google–in what amounts to the biggest product placement in recent film history. Their characters want to reboot their careers, but the youngsters they’re competing against at Google see it differently. They’re burdened with student loans and know all too well how bad the job market is.

As the character played by the winsome Tiya Sircar says, the American dream is just a memory now for new college graduates.

The Internship argues that pluck, perseverance and talent can still overcome most obstacles, even an administration which continues to focus like a laser on jobs without tangible results. The comedy is but the latest film which acknowledges the recovery-free economy without casting any blame to the obvious culprits.