Kid Rock apparently isn’t a Belieber.

The scruffy singer appeared on The Howard Stern Show this week and had some less than kind words for teen pop sensation Justin Bieber. Who wants to be compared to a one-hit wonder known for his eyebrow manicure, silly pants and eventual fame in reality TV?

“Tell me if this is wrong. Justin Bieber… is 100 per cent like watching Vanilla Ice all over again. It’s exactly the same. Well, as soon as Bieber has a hit, he’ll be like Vanilla Ice.

“The kid’s young. He’s got some money. He’s got the world in his hands. It’s just kind of sad to see him go down this trajectory. It’s gonna be a very long ride down. We all know the story. I kind of feel for the kid, to be honest with you.”

Bieber has been in the news of late for all the wrong reasons, from concerns over speeding tickets to showing up late to his own show and writing a self-obsessed message in the guest book at The Anne Frank House.