On June 21 Bill Maher spoke with female Saudi Arabian film maker Haifaa al Mansour about how the rules guarding freedom of speech and expression are becoming narrower instead of broader in countries where the Arab Spring took place.

Said Maher: “The Arab Spring kind of turned in to the Arab Winter.”

As The Daily Caller noted, Maher made clear he was not criticizing people with those comments. However, he did say he was “criticizing a belief system that turns people into something they wish they wouldn’t be.”

Yet Maher said “American Muslims and liberals” just can’t get that into their heads. 

Regarding Saudi Arabia, Maher said:

Mecca is the capital of the country. And they routinely put people to death … the religious capital, and it’s equivalent to like the Vatican, right–with Catholicism. And, if at the Vatican, they were putting people to death for homosexuality and apostasy and, you know, adultery … I feel there would be a big outcry. I feel that liberals would be upset about that. 

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