Musician John Ondrasik of Five for Fighting fame may make his living with a guitar, but he understands how Hollywood works.

Ondrasik sent out a simple truth via Twitter today, something far too few people in the entertainment industry will even consider.

If Alec Baldwin was a righty he’d never work in Hollywood again.

Meanwhile, CNN’s Anderson Cooper can’t understand why Baldwin is able to skate after making so many hateful statements.

Why does #AlecBaldwin get a pass when he uses gay slurs? If a conservative talked of beating up a “queen” they would be vilified.

Of course Cooper knows the answer to his own tweeted question. His industry suffers from an institutional bias against conservatives, so any weapon that can be used against them is employed while liberals very often get a pass.

Baldwin is merely Exhibit A.

The first step in rooting out liberal bias in the media is to recognize it, and Cooper did just that today. But without a follow-up of any kind it will be lost, and his own network’s progressive programming will continue.