Former California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger pontificated that those people who have powerful cars, or expensive personal items at home, need to make them eco-friendly

Schwarzenegger visited the European Commission in Brussels to promote an environmental project by global mayors. Even though he owns a fleet of military-style Hummer vehicles, Schwarzenegger defended his ownership by saying:

They are hydrogen engines and bio-fuel engines and one is being changed into an electrical engine. The important thing is that we should not make people feel guilty about driving big cars, or fast cars, or powerful cars. But we should let them know that they can be part of the solution by changing the technology in that car. If you want to take your jacuzzi, take your jacuzzi all day long but use solar panels. If you want a flat-screen TV, watch a better model that is energy efficient.

Schwarzenegger’s R20 Regions of Climate Change initiative encourages a low-carbon economy. He said in Brussels that he wanted the environmental movement to be “more hip, more modern and more sexy.”