Buzzfeed is great at making lists, but they should stick with grumpy cats and Khardashian episodes. Writer Louis Peltzman has compiled a list called “14 Authors You Might Not Know Had Bigoted Views.”  Number 14 on the list is playwright, director and screenwriter David Mamet. 

Here’s how Peltzman describes Mamet’s “bigotry”: 

David Mamet’s well-documented “conversion” to conservatism isn’t bigotry, but his right-wing book The Secret Knowledge does contain some very incendiary anti-gay and anti-Muslim viewpoints. He railed against the proposed mosque near the former site of the Twin Towers, saying it would be a “cultural obscenity.” He also condemned marriage equality — or as he called it, the “erosion of marriage” — which he said was a “moral affront.”

Of course, as I wrote in my very first article on Big Hollywood in 2009, Mamet’s real offense is proclaiming to the world that he is “no longer a brain dead liberal.” From that point forward it was only a matter of time for him to be smeared as a homophobic sexist bigoted racist.