Fans of celebrity chef Paula Deen are still boiling mad that she lost gigs with several major companies for admitting she made racially insensitive remarks decades ago.

It’s become a modern trend for protesters to mail specific items to companies to voice their objection, like when fans of the CBS series Jericho mailed peanuts to the network to object to it cancelling the series. 

The word “nuts” was uttered in a key installment of the show, a sign that the main characters wouldn’t go down without a fight.

For fans of Deen, the rallying cry is “butter”–the chef is known for her buttery recipes.

Fans of the embattled chef have started sending butter wrappers to Food Network, QVC and other companies that ended their relationships with Deen after she admitted she previously used the N-word.

The packages are designed to show people are “sticking with Paula,” the man behind the campaign, John Schmitt, told CNN.