Hollywood rose up in collective anger after the shooting massacres in Aurora, Colo. and Newtown, Conn. last year. Celebrities assembled for a “Demand a Plan” video to encourage gun control, and their peers did all they could to support President Barack Obama’s efforts to restrict guns in the country.

Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein even vowed to hold a summit to explore if movies glorifying gun violence had an impact on the culture at large.

Flash forward to July 2013, and said summit has yet to materialize. More importantly, as The New York Times notes, gun violence is just as prevalent in the film industry as it ever was.

As the blockbuster film season unfolds, every major studio has firearms of one sort or another in its marketing arsenal.

On Aug. 2, the new Denzel Washington/Mark Wahlberg action film 2 Guns hits theaters nationwide, the latest movie relying on weapons to help sell its story.