The old gang isn’t getting back together, apparently.

Anti-war celebrities like Tim Robbins, Sean Penn, Martin Sheen, Neil Young and Susan Sarandon railed against the Bush administration throughout the 2000s. They spoke out in every media venue possible, signed a “Not in Our Name” pledge and called President George W. Bush a liar–and much worse for going to war against Saddam Hussein and his Iraqi army.

This week, as President Barack Obama continues making the case for war against Syria for its alleged use of chemical weapons on its own citizens, those celebrities are virtually silent.

Where are the marches, the impassioned speeches, the talk show appearances denouncing a needless war that could kill innocents?

Back in 2002, a gaggle of celebrities sent a letter imploring Bush against going to war with Iraq.

Mike Farrell and Anjelica Huston will release a letter Tuesday signed by a hundred celebrities who want President Bush to stop his war rhetoric toward Iraq.

The letter reportedly is signed by stars including Kim Basinger, Matt Damon, Laurence Fishburne, Ethan Hawke, Uma Thurman, Samuel L. Jackson, Jessica Lange and Martin Sheen, publicists for the event said Monday….

Co-signers of that letter included Alec Baldwin and Tim Robbins, Rob Reiner, Barbra Streisand and Harry Belafonte.

Differences certainly exist between the drumbeat to war against Syria and the military action in Iraq. What’s notable, however, is the lack of support Obama brings to the current potential conflict. While Bush rallied dozens of nations for his war moves, this president has only France at his side.