President Obama has not sold R&B singer John Legend on his plans for military intervention in Syria, as the Grammy-winning artist can’t find a justification for war that outweigh his concerns about helping either side in the country’s tragic civil war.

In an interview with the Associated Press, Legend briefly discusses his stance on Syria in context of his past performances of anti-war songs:

I am not anti-war in general. I am just anti-wars that I think are not a good idea. I didn’t think the Iraq war was a good idea… I do understand the impulse to want to punish countries for using chemical weapons. I do understand the humanitarian impulse when you see 100,000 people getting slaughtered… but we have to be very cautious about getting into another long conflict in the Middle East… We know that al-Qaida’s infiltrated the rebel forces in Syria. We know that either way, no matter who wins, there are significant groups within each side that might not be pro-America. So I think it’s a very difficult decision to involve ourselves militarily in Syria.