Being married to Ozzy Osbourne means Sharon Osbourne has likely seen it all. So it’s not surprising she wasn’t offended by Miley Cyrus’ sexual antics at The VMAs late last month.

The co-host of The Talk doesn’t think anyone else should be bothered by Cyrus’ behavior–even parents of children who adored Cyrus during her Disney days.

OSBOURNE: As far as parents saying oh, you know, ‘It’s not right, she was’ — whatever she was, what was it, Montana?

AISHA TYLER, co-host:  Hannah Montana.

OSBOURNE:  Whatever it was she was on, whatever that show was – ridiculous. It’s no longer on the air and all those kids have grown up with her. So they’re not kids anymore, they’re her age, 20! Lighten up! [Cheers and applause] Lighten up! Get a sense of humor!