While Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) spoke on the Senate floor yesterday in opposition to Obamacare and the waivers politicians and big business have received, he earned the support of many Americans.

#MakeDCListen was the top trending hashtag repeatedly throughout his 21-plus hour “filibuster.” Along with the untold number of Americans showing their support by tuning into C-SPAN and taking to social media, two celebrities shared their support for Cruz on Twitter.

Author Brad Thor, his newest novel is titled Hidden Order, took to twitter and covered almost of all of Cruz’s speech. He began by tweeting messages like “Thank you, Ted Cruz” and was later declaring his conservatism and love of freedom much more loudly and clearly with tweets like “Government grows at the expense of liberty. You cannot have bigger government AND more freedom. You must choose one or the other.” In the author’s other tweets, he went on to do everything from rail against the ill logic used by both Senators Durbin and Reid to help the Cruz hashtags catch on with his followers. Perhaps his best and most telling tweet of the night was this: “I would gladly commit the kind of treason committed by our Founders in signing the Declaration of Independence. #MakeDCListen #Liberty.”

Another celebrity to come to Cruz’s aid was comedian Larry the Cable Guy. The funnyman tweeted messages like “Just showing my support for a Senator with guts. It’s nice to see somebody actually do what people sent him there to do…” Larry the Cable Guy sent out messages saying Obamacare was a bad bill and the Left should at least agree to rework it. Some more liberal leaning tweeters apparently didn’t take too well to the Blue Collar comedian spouting his political beliefs and they responded as most on the Left do in most situations: with hate. It got to a point where Larry the Cable Guy tweeted: “Crazy how much hate people have. We’re never gonna come together if all people do is attack personally and name call. It’s a shame.”

While it’s good to see those in the public eye supporting men like Cruz, Obama gets more support just for showing up in Hollywood from celebrities and people influencing culture. It’s sad, but true. Still, Thor and Larry the Cable Guy and every other American that proudly stood by Cruz should be championed and celebrated. It certainly doesn’t get you invited to any parties or win you any “followers.” It mostly brings the hateful bigots out of the wood works, but doing the right thing usually does.

Thor and Larry the Cable Guy’s twitter handles are @BradThor and @GitRDoneLarry, respectively.