In the Age of Obama, even agreeing to do what the government tells you to do sometimes isn’t enough.

John Ondrasik, the rocker behind Five for Fighting, decided to spend part of his current promotional tour in D.C. by jogging in the Nation’s Capital. When he ventured near the Jefferson Memorial he caught the attention of local law enforcement.

For readers who glean their news from CBS, NBC and their ilk, the Obama administration has used the current government shutdown as an excuse to punish ordinary Americans who want to visit national landmarks. Even Mt. Rushmore is under assault as cones are preventing citizens from driving to the side of the road to observe it in all its beauty.

So when a D.C. law enforcement official told the rock star he had to leave the memorial Ondrasik did as he was told.

That wasn’t enough.

Ondrasik tweeted the following based on his exchange with the official:

This is where he grabbed my shoulder and started pushing me down the stairs. #54F #notcool 

I asked him why at some monuments people are allowed to cross the barricades without incident. He replied that was “their problem”. #54F

I asked him “why do you have to put your hands on me and push me out when I’m leaving anyways”…he replied “it’s quicker this way”…#54F

Update: Ondrasik shares his story with USA Today readers, wrapping his column with this somber note: “Oh well, I got my 5 miles in and learned something about government spite and political theater along the way. I’m just sad the Founding Fathers had to see it, too.”