Director Wes Anderson has a new movie on the way, and its trailer recently landed online. The film stars his usual crew, like Edward Norton and Bill Murray, as well as Ralph Fiennes in the lead role. Check out the trailer and some thoughts below.

The Grand Budapest Hotel looks charming. It can be hard to tell when Anderson’s films are going to work. Sometimes they are highly entertaining and really hit the mark like Moonrise Kingdom and many times they are just pointless movies that go nowhere very fast like The Darjeeling Limited among others. Budapest Hotel looks like it’s going to continue Anderson’s winning streak.

Anderson’s usual crew looks funny, and the movie appears like its going to blend great child and adult dilemmas much like Kingdom did. Fiennes also seems hilarious as the lead, which is a nice change of pace for the usually serious actor. He’s proven in films like In Bruges that he is one the most underrated, funny actors working today.

The Grand Budapest Hotel hits theaters on March 7, 2014.