Netflix’s original series House of Cards garnered the streaming site the most press attention upon its release, and deservedly so.

The series stars Oscar-winner Kevin Spacey and features The Social Network director David Fincher as a major player behind the scenes.

Turns out a less heralded series is Netflix’s biggest draw.

Orange Is the New Black, the prison drama starring Atlas Shrugged star Taylor Schilling, is the company’s most watched original show according to Netflix CEO Reed Hastings.

Netflix is vowing to double its financial commitment to original programming but, for the moment, the company’s modest streaming fee will remain the same.

Hastings said the company is reviewing its pricing structure, but is “not on the edge of doing something (differently than its current $7.99 a month plan for unlimited streaming…The $7.99 is working for us very well. We will continue to monitor the trends…But right now the $7.99 is working great for us.