Morgan Freeman must spend so much time on movie sets he hasn’t heard anyone question his industry’s adoration of President Barack Obama.

To Freeman, a grassroots movement like the Tea Party dedicated to smaller government is racist because the current White House occupant is black. 

Freeman played the race card once more this week during a chat to promote his upcoming film, Last Vegas. When asked about the government shutdown by a Daily Beast reporter unwilling to challenge the screen legend, Freeman let loose.

The lengths that people will go to to show their prejudices! You see some of these signs that say, “TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK!” What the fuck is that? Whose country are you talking about? They are being pushed to the side, which is a good thing for them to realize: you don’t have the power you think you have in this country. Obama was legitimately elected president. If you don’t like that, fine, either move out, or make your point and get yourself elected, but don’t tear the country apart! That’s not going to get you anywhere. I think the Republicans have pretty much destroyed themselves by allowing themselves to be controlled by a small contingent of people with a lot of money.

The Koch Brothers and company?

Yes. And the Rush Limbaugh’s of the world. All those … strange people.