Political sex scandals aren’t just great for cable news ratings and late night comedy shows. Playwrights are also finding inspiration from the likes of Bill Clinton, Eliot Spitzer and Anthony Weiner.

Domesticated, a new play in previews now at the Lincoln Center Theater, imagines a political couple not unlike the aforementioned figures.

Playwright Bruce Norris tells The New York Times his production doesn’t directly mirror any of those affairs but rather depicts what they represent. More importantly, Norris wouldn’t have so much source material had the politicians in question fessed up immediately.

Case in point: Weiner’s texting scandal, brought to light by the late Andrew Breitbart.

[Weiner is] a moron because he could have overcome his problem so easily by saying: ‘I’m an idiot. Everyone tell me what an idiot I am. Everything I did was boneheaded, and I humbly asked your forgiveness’ — and said that all the way through,” Mr. Norris said. “Instead, he lied at first, and later basically said to people: You don’t have the right to judge me.