The Daily Show host Jon Stewart clearly realized the line he crossed by unabashedly slamming ObamaCare last week. First, he issued a public “clown nose on” statement saying he’s just a jester and shouldn’t be taken seriously.

Tuesday night, he attacked President Barack Obama for repeatedly lying to the American people about his “signature,” “historic” health care reform. But those dastardly conservatives are lying, too.

So there.

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Of course, Stewart is trying to equate the words of conservative commentators with the President of the United States of America and a policy that will impact all of our lives. Surely, the two are not quite the same, and Stewart knows it.

Second, he’s doing his standard cherry-picking clip-o-rama without recognizing many of the other damning facts about ObamaCare. It’s Stewart the Spinmeister General once more, and whatever outrage he feigned over Obama breaking his pledge to the country has given way to his standard attacks on the right.

To be fair, Stewart does a mighty fine impression of Edith Bunker. Period.