Jay-Z is doing the right thing by tackling concerns over racial profiling at Barneys head on, or it’s a classic case of celebrity damage control.

The rap king’s association with the clothing chain turned sour when two people claimed they were racially profiled and treated unfairly after entering a Barneys’ store. Jay-Z posted an explanation at his web site over the weekend, saying he would rather engage the matter personally than simply cut ties with the company.

While I await the findings of the Attorney General’s Office, I have agreed to move forward with the launch of BNY SCC collection under the condition that I have a leadership role and seat on a council specifically convened to deal with the issue of racial profiling. I am in a unique position to use my voice to affect change to this disturbing issue … I will not leave the outcome to others. I will take this into my own hands with full power to recommend, review and revise policies and guidelines moving forward….

As I previously stated, the collaboration with Barneys has always been about giving and The Shawn Carter Foundation. From this collection, the Foundation will receive not only 25% of sales, it will now receive the additional 75% of Barneys’ sales, totalling 100% of all sales from BNY SCC. Along with 100% of sales from the collaboration, the Foundation will receive an additional 10% of all retail sales from Barneys New York stores nationwide and Barneys.com on November 20th.