Singer Miley Cyrus reflected on her headline-worthy year, along with a performance at the VMAs in which she simulated sex acts with fellow star Robin Thicke, during a new chat with Entertainment Weekly.

Cyrus earned the magazine’s Entertainers of the Year status, in part, by licking a sledgehammer in a recent music video and using a foam finger in a provocative manner during a live telecast seen by millions.

The singer says 2013 let her grow as a person, and she thinks girls can learn a lesson from her career arc.

I’m proud of the person I’ve become. Not what people think I’ve turned myself into, but who I’ve actually become, which is a happier person.” She acknowledges, ”I’ve always had a lot of anxiety, and I’ve dropped that completely and really started living in the moment and not thinking about anything too much — really practicing what I preach when I say not to worry what other people think and be who you are to the fullest. I’m proud of knowing that’s what I encourage other girls to do. I said 2013 was going to be the best year of my life, and I think what you put out into the universe you get back. I proved that to myself this year.