Conservatives quickly saw plenty of comic possibilities when President Barack Obama first took office.

He gave a lot of speeches that promised a lot of things, items that might prove exceedingly difficult to pull off. He mentioned himself quite a bit. His handlers and followers alike whipped up a cult of personality around him that we haven’t seen in presidential circles before.

None of that moved the late night comics, who essentially avoided material that might diminish Obama’s pop culture aura.

That appears to have ended with the disastrous launch of ObamaCare.

Consider Jimmy Kimmel’s Tuesday monologue in which he mocked the president for the ongoing ObamaCare debacle.

Did you know that the number of speeches Obama’s made about affordable health care is greater than the number of people who have actually signed up for affordable health care?

The joke does more than riff on the spectacularly anemic web site, the online portal to ObamaCare. It tweaks the fact that Obama gives speeches when he should be getting his hands dirty fixing the problem.

Five years later, comedians are starting to notice Obama’s thin resume resulted in thin results, particularly regarding his “signature” health care initiative.

Better late than never.