Hip hop mogul Russell Simmons is teaming up with MSNBC host the Rev. Al Sharpton to declare war on the “knockout game” spreading across the country.

The civil rights leaders want to stop the “knockout game” and the targeting of Jews. Reports of “knockout game” attacks have been reported around the country, and have been concentrated in particular in Brooklyn.

The so-called game, which appears to be racially based, involves attackers striking unsuspecting people in the hopes of knocking them unconscious with one blow. 

Former Rep. Allen West scolded Sharpton last week for ignoring the hateful game. Now, Sharpton and other leaders are speaking out. 

The group recorded a video to help promote their efforts and, hopefully, spark a viral video push behind the cause. The video, according to YouTube, has been pulled by the user’s request.

Another shorter video, featuring Sharpton’s nine-second attack on the “game,” is still online.