The actor who brought Gollum to life via motion capture technology in the Lord of the Rings trilogy is the driving force behind a new production of Animal Farm.

This time, Andy Serkis of Rings fame promises not to attack fascism but capitalism with the classic yarn. Serkis’ take on Animal Farm will use motion capture effects and aim directly at younger viewers. The villain of choice? Here’s a hint: It’s not fascism.

First and foremost, we are not making a film about Communism and Stalinism because if Orwell was writing the story today, he would be talking about other relevant topics like globalisation and corporate greed,” he explained.

“We’re investigating that world – the world of the overarching ego that corrupts the innocence of the potential utopia that the animals create. So, if you like the archetypes, all the characters are exactly the same and will represent the same as the book. It’s just that we’re not pinning them down to specific political targets, ie Napoleonism, Stalinism, Trotskyism, etc.