A man’s attempt to sell Jay-Z tickets he couldn’t use himself via Craigslist turned into a cautionary tale for peddling items on line. He ended up getting run over by the would-be buyers

Court documents state the man met the two suspects, later identified as Denitra Sherrelle Green and Cessica Desha Darden, after they asked him to come outside the coffee shop because they couldn’t leave a baby in their vehicle. Green was driving, Darden was in the passenger seat and Darden’s baby was in the back seat.

The man and his girlfriend went up to the vehicle to speak to Darden through the passenger side window. He told police he leaned into the window with the eight tickets so the suspects could see the tickets better and that’s when Green accelerated the car.

The ticket seller got stuck in the passenger window while the car raced out of the parking lot. He asked the drive to stop the car but she refused, according to the case investigators and court documents.

Eventually, the man fell off and the suspect’s vehicle ran him over.