Liam Payne, part of the teen pop sensation One Direction, isn’t about to apologize for enjoying A&E’s Duck Dynasty.

Payne shared his affection for the family-friendly reality show on Twitter, and in the wake of star Phil Robertson’s suspension for comments on the gay lifestyle the singer caught instant flack for that opinion.

The issue has been inflamed by Payne sending a tweet to Robertson’s son Willie, saying: “Huge love to you/your family huge respect for your business prosperities and the family values you still all behold. big fan.”

Other celebrities might delete the tweet in question or serve up a speedy apology. Not Payne. The 20-year-old is sick of being hounded by the press over minutiae. He also wants journalists to know that liking a particular show doesn’t mean you endorse everything said by its stars. The singer also blasted a press account which twisted his appreciation for the show into a defense of Robertson’s statements.