The upcoming horror film The Sacrament investigates a Utopian commune run by a Christian overlord.

Director Ti West, who previously delivered the smart and satisfying House of the Devil and The Innkeepers, uses the found footage genre to attack a mysterious Christian cult.

The choice of villains is hardly inspiring. In fact, it’s downright ordinary. Yet the film, slated for a June 6 theatrical release (available May 1 via iTunes and Video on Demand), offers something few films serve up these days.

First, here’s the trailer:

The Sacrament follows a small group of journalists investigating a Christian commune which appears to have figured out a perfect life/work/spiritual balance. All, naturally, isn’t what it seems, but will the journalists learn the commune’s secrets before it’s too late for them?

Variety reviewed the film from the Venice Film Festival, and here’s the part that may truly shock horror fans. The movie depicts socialism in a uniformly awful light. The review says the commune in question is “a hand-built agricultural community run on socialist principles that the film never for a second pretends are honorable.”

That alone might make The Sacrament a must-see feature.