Both The Company You Keep and The East, films which portrayed eco-terrorists in a favorable light, tanked at the box office. So is it any wonder the trailer for the new film Night Moves downplays the eco-nature of its protagonists?

The thriller casts Dakota Fanning, Jesse Eisenberg and Peter Scarsgaard as three environmental radicals who decide to take action against their corporate targets.

Trailers are famous for giving away too much of their stories. In the case of Night Moves, the trailer only touches on the darkness on display. The footage plays up the mysterious nature of the main characters, the sense that they’re working together for a big, albeit dangerous project, and that what they expect to play out may not happen as they had hoped.

The film even suggests a small tribute to the U.S. Military, saying a character was trained by the best–The United States Marine Corps. In reality, that character was radicalized while fighting for his country.

Night Moves opens May 30.