Kevin and Sam Sorbo are throwing their support behind a documentary exposing what they call the “crime of the century,” one they say both Hollywood and the mainstream media gave too little attention.

Kevin Sorbo, currently starring in the surprise smash God’s Not Dead, recorded a video with his wife to let people know about Phelim McAleer and Ann McElhinney’s IndieGogo crowdfunding campaign to bring Gosnell’s horrific story to the public.

“It’s the crime of the century, but most of the media and Hollywood have ignored the story,” Kevin Sorbo says.

Gosnell, a late-term abortion doctor convicted of 21 illegal abortions and multiple murders, was accused of delivering live babies and “snipping” their spinal cords.

“Hollywood loves serial killers. TV and movies are full of these stories, the scarier the better seems to be the motto … even our national and local news is dominated by the crimes committed every day in our society,” Sam Sorbo says. “It’s very odd that America’s biggest serial killer has been virtually ignored, erased from history. Ann and Phelim are going to end all that.”

“If the media won’t do their job, then we can do it ourselves. We can, and we must,” Kevin Sorbo says. “Many people knew what was going on and did nothing. It’s almost impossible to believe, but it’s true. We have the trial transcripts and grand jury testimony to prove it.” 

The couple then read some of said testimony:

“Over the years there were hundreds of snippings. Sometimes if Gosnell was unavailable the snipping was done by one of his fake doctors or even by one of the administrative staff … everyone there acted as if it weren’t murder at all,” Sam Sorbo said with an emotional catch in her voice.

“We pray that the thousands of babies slaughtered are not forgotten,” Kevin Sorbo says.

“We need to confront and expose this story,” Sam Sorbo says.