The American public continues to sour on President Barack Obama’s signature health care overhaul, one littered with premium hikes, policy cancellations, delays and outright fabrications.

Bryan Cranston of Breaking Bad fame thinks ObamaCare is the highlight of the president’s legacy.

The actor opened up about President Barack Obama during an appearance with Yahoo News’ Katie Couric.

I personally believe that his health care program is fantastic. Yes, there are problems. Anything worth while is going to go through a growing pains period. But this is his legacy and I think it’s a great one because I don’t think that basic health care should be a privilege of the rich. It should be a right to all,” said the actor.

He also applauded Obama for using executive orders to get around Congress, something the actor says other presidents like John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson did when faced with political opposition. Obama, according to Cranston, should flex his executive muscle to increase the minimum wage, for example.

Cranston is currently starring in All the Way, a Broadway production that follows President Johnson’s push for the Civil Rights Act.