The people are speaking–and ponying up–for the chance to see a TV movie detailing a serial killer mostly ignored by the press and Hollywood.

The IndieGogo campaign for Phelim McAleer and Ann McElhinney’s film about convicted killer and late-term abortionist Kermit Gosnell has raked in a half million dollars via more than 7,000 contributors.

“With 32 days left the film is already the third most successful film ever on Indiegogo,” McElhinney tells Breitbart News.
“Hollywood and the mainstream media should pay attention. People are angry with them for ignoring the news and the truth. This $500,000 is a strong statement. The people won’t wait for Hollywood or the mainstream media, they’re fighting back. It’s beautiful,” McAleer says.

To mark the occasion, the filmmakers released the following video involving grand jury testimony in the Gosnell case.