It wouldn’t take a Grade A satirist to see the potential in a humiliated politician laughing it up during her final press conference, like what happened earlier this week when Kathleen Sebelius exited the Obama administration stage.

Or, the fact that the woman who will likely lead the Democrats to retain the White House in 2016, Hillary Clinton, just got a shoe thrown at her at a public event.

The folks at Lorne Michaels’ Saturday Night Live ignored all of that during its opening sketch slot.

Instead, the show opened Saturday with an imaginary appearance by several GOP members at this weekend’s Coachella Festival. Why? To mock the GOP, its principles and future presidential candidates, of course.

Congressman Paul Ryan (Taran Killam) and former Gov. Jeb Bush (Beck Bennett), two politicians with serious presidential aspirations, hit the mock Coachella stage to try and woo the crowd. They used stale, incorrect slang while trying to rebrand the party and hype GOP-approved positions.

Ryan calls President George W. Bush a “basic bitch” to try to win over skeptical youth, and later Gov. Bobby Jindal, played by female cast member Nasim Pedrad, stumbles out after taking a Molly.

Keep on fighting the power, SNL, while President Barack Obama’s policies continue to fail.